

Attitude of Gratitude


It’s the time of year where families are getting together, the air is getting colder, and the waistlines are getting bigger. This Thursday, many of you will probably gather together with loved ones, eat a huge meal, watch football, and enjoy a few days off. And if you’re like my family, on Friday you will start decorating for next month’s festivities. This time of year is a special time to spend with the ones you love the most. This is my favorite time of year because it’s a chance where we can look back on the previous year and see how much God has blessed us.

    Many of you will probably sit around the dinner table on Thursday taking turns being thankful for certain things in your life. There are many things to be thankful for. We are thankful for friends and family, good health, jobs, the food we eat, the house we live in, the material blessings we have, and the list can go on and on. God has blessed us beyond our comprehension.

    Unfortunately, our country only spends one day being mindful of all the things we should be thankful for. How many of you take time out of every day to say a prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord? Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians, “in everything give thanks” (5:8). He didn’t say, “on the fourth Thursday of every November, give thanks for all your blessings.” But he said in everything give thanks. That means every Thursday of November. That means every day of the year we should be giving thanks to God everyday!

    Saying thanks is one thing, demonstrating your thankfulness is another. We should all try to develop an attitude of gratitude. We can show our thankfulness by the way we act, the things we say, and how we treat others. How many people do you think can see that you are thankful for a new day? How many people can see that you are thankful for the food you are eating on a daily basis? Do you pray in front of other people? Do you share where you get your blessings with other people? Our attitude can tell other people a lot about who we are. I want other people to see that I am a Christian and that I am giving thanks to my God.

    Try today to develop an attitude of gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for. Most of all we are thankful that we have a God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. That alone should make you want to get down on your hands and knees and thank our merciful Lord. I am thankful for the gift of salvation. Are you? And more importantly, can other people see your attitude of gratitude?

~ Kevin