Rise and Build
Construction on our new bathrooms and nurseries are well underway and ahead of schedule. When the construction is all said and done, our building will be upgraded and looking good. I’ve been able to talk with some of the construction workers and see the progress of their work. They work long and hard hours. I’ve been very impressed with what they’ve been able to get done in just two weeks.
As the Jews were returning to Jerusalem from Babylonian captivity, they came to a city that was laying in ruin. Nehemiah was given the task to try and encourage the Jews to rebuild the city walls. “Let us rise up and build” (Neh. 2:18). The task was completed in just fifty-two days (Neh. 6:15). Can you imagine that in just about 7 ½ weeks building a fortified wall around an entire city? I’ve seen some construction projects take much longer than that. The reason the Jews were able to build so fast is because “the people had a mind to work” (Neh. 4:6).
Do we have a mind to build? We see the building going on in the back of our auditorium, but what are we doing to build spiritually? Are we building ourselves up by reading our scriptures? Are we attending every service and Bible class? Are we praying regularly? Are we lifting each other up spiritually?
What are we doing to build the Lord’s Kingdom? Are we spreading the Gospel to our friends and family? Are we sharing the story of Jesus? Are we letting our lights shine in the world around us?
“Let us rise up and build!” East Foothills Church of Christ is poised to do some great and wonderful things in the Lord’s Kingdom. Do “the people have a mind to work?” When we all work together we can accomplish some great things.
All the guys that have been working on our building are working hard for two reason: first they have a supervisor looking after them. Second, they are getting paid. Jesus is looking after us and He will reward us in Heaven. Let’s get to work.
~ Kevin