

At East Foothill Church of Christ, we believe in Biblical truth. All of our preaching and teaching comes straight from the word of God. We believe God's word holds all our authority and is therefore more than adequate to answer all questions regarding doctrine and practice - 2 Timothy 3:14-17.

Below you will find audio recordings of all of our sermons. If you would like a hard copy please contact us at

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/08/13 Moving Prospects Towards Baptism Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 8 Moving Prospects Towards Baptism - Mike Wilson 030813.mp3
03/07/13 Evangelistic Motivation Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 7 Evangelistic Motivation - Mike Wilson 030713.mp3
03/06/13 Why Some Churches Grow and Others Don't Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 6 Why Some Churches Grow and Others Dont - Mike Wilson 030613.mp3
03/05/13 Understanding Prospects Religious Capital Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 5 Understanding Prospects Religious Capital - Mike Wilson 030513.mp3
03/04/13 How To Build Faith In Lost Souls Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 4 How To Build Faith In Lost Souls - Mike Wilson 030413.mp3
03/03/13 The Concept of Teamwork in Evangelism Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 1 The Concept of Teamwork in Evangelism - Mike Wilson 030313.mp3
03/03/13 The Role of Prayer in Evangelism Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 2 The Role of Prayer in Evangelism - Mike Wilson 030313.mp3
03/03/13 Using Ecclesiastes To Bait The Hook Mike Wilson Gospel Meeting Teamwork in Evangelism Gospel Meeting 3 Using Ecclesiastes To Bait The Hook - Mike Wilson 030313.mp3
02/24/13 How Shall I Come Forth? Lalo Enriquez Sermon N/A Sun AM How Shall I Come Forth_02242013_Lalo Enriquez.mp3
02/19/13 The Church at Ephesus Lalo Enriquez Sermon N/A Sun AM 021912_Lalo Enriquez_The Church At Ephesus-1366491721.mp3
02/17/13 Baptism Part II Byron Canada Sermon N/A Sun PM 02172013_Byron Canada_Baptism_PartII.mp3
02/17/13 Prove Yourselves Doers of the Word Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM 02172013_Kevin Harrington_Prove Yourselves Doers of the Word.mp3
02/12/13 Rejoicing To See Good Order and Steadfastness Lalo Enriquez Sermon N/A Sun AM 021212_Lalo Enriquez_Rejoicing to see good order and steadfastness.mp3
02/10/13 Developing and Using My Talents Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM 021013_Kevin Harrington_Morning_Developing and Using My Talents.mp3
02/03/13 King Of The Den Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun PM King Of The Den_Kevin Harrigton_020312 Evening.mp3
02/03/13 Super Sunday Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM 020313 Morning_Kevin Harrington_Super Sunday.mp3
01/27/13 Is Baptism Necessary? Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM Is Baptism Necessary_012713.mp3
01/20/13 The First Step Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun PM 012013_Kevin Harrington_The First Step.mp3
01/20/13 Redemption of Peter Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun PM 012013_Kevin Harrington_Redemption of Peter.mp3
01/13/13 Why The Thief Wasn't Baptized Lalo Enriquez Sermon N/A Sun AM 011313_Morning_Lalo Enriquez_Why The Thief Wasnt Baptized.mp3
01/06/13 The Five Percent Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun PM 010613_Kevin Harrington_The Five Percent.mp3
12/23/12 All About Jesus Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM 122312_Morning_Kevin Harrington_All About Jesus.mp3
12/23/12 Doubting The Unknown Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun PM 122312_Evening_Kevin Harrington_Doubting The Unknown.mp3
12/16/12 End of Times Kevin Harrington Sermon N/A Sun AM 121612_Morning_Kevin Harrington_End Of Times.mp3
11/11/12 RIP In The Lord Lalo Enriquez Sermon N/A Sun AM 111112_Lalo Enriquez_R I P in the Lord.mp3

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